well, Shall i resurrect OFACE?

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Nights's picture
Joined: 2009/08/12

First off id like to apologize if i am stepping out of line since iv been talking back and forth with RaT somewhat and i just cant get my schedule together to talk to him so i figured id post this and go from there, any ways i have been working in my personal time to develop a MRI like application and i haven't seen or heard from COSCstudent in a while so im going to assume that the OFACE project is dead in the water right now.. am i correct? if so id like to revive this with my application that i am working on in c# with the targeted .NET framework of 2.0. Now... i am a novice in programming so id like to enlist some help in dealing with errors, alternative code for specific problems if you want and can help please post in this thread with your talents and where you'd like to help!
