ROOTCON 6 which is the premier hacker conference in the Philippines is back again and will be held on September 7-8, 2012 at Cebu Parklane International Hotel.
ROOTCON comes from the two words “ROOT” (super user on Unix systems) and “CON” (conference). ROOTCON operation started 27-December-2008, registered as DEFCON Group 6332, and carried the name DEFCONPH. The group held two small gatherings under DEFCONPH – known as the BeerTalks.
After the two consecutive gatherings, DEFCON brought up their copyright protection concerns, having observed that the Philippine Hacker and InfoSec group was carrying a name very similar to theirs.
DEFCONPH was then renamed PinoyGreyHat, under which one conference was held before the founder finally decided to rebrand to a more neutral and conference-friendly name: ROOTCON. The name was officially changed on 09-August-2010.
With the same crew and team on board, ROOTCON is still the premier hacking conference in the Philippines. ROOTCON is open to everyone. Previous participants have included InfoSec personnel, developers, businessmen, students, lawyers, feds, and the like.
So what to expect from this con?
1. Awesome talks like Information Security, Web Application Attacks, Cyber Warfare, Cyber Crime, Lock picking, Vulnerability Discovery, Wireless Attacks, Reverse Engineering, Malware, Security Tools, Patch Management, Tools 101 (Metasploit, Nmap, etc.), and many more.
2. Cool activities like Hackista Challenge (CTF), Hacker Jeopardy, H4XØR BBQ, WiFi Shootout, WiFi Warrior (WiFi Cracking), beer drinking, and many more.
3. Meet new friends and old friends.
4. Receive ROOTCON swags and souvenirs.
5. /etc
So what do you need to do? Just get ready and be prepared for ROOTCON 6 Registration will be opened soon!