Simple Admin Page Finder is a module for Recon-ng Framework that is categorized as a discovery module. It checks the hosts for possible administrator pages and admin directories.
1. Clone the Recon-ng repository to your local system with git clone https://[email protected]/LaNMaSteR53/recon-ng.git. Change into the Recon-ng discovery module category by typing cd recon-ng/modules/discorevery/info_disclosure/http.
2. Download adminlogin_finder.py_.tar.gz: wget
3. Extract the script: tar zxvf adminlogin_finder.py_.tar.gz.
4. Now go back to the recon-ng main directory and launch the framework: ./
5. Load the module: load discovery/info_disclosure/http/adminlogin_finder.
6. Select a target: set source
Python and modules: dnspython, httplib2, python-oauth2.
Recon-ng Framework (