Welcome to the VIP Area. Thanks for supporting SX.
The main rule of VIP is to not share your VIP access with anybody. This means you cannot distribute VIP releases to anybody! We have various methods in place for detecting if/when this happens. Wallymc recently lost his VIP status for emailing a VIP file to another member. Distributing VIP files will definitely result in the loss of your VIP status, and may also result in a site ban from soldierx.com. Although not a definite, many members who have violated the rules have found their accounts hacked, pizzas ordered to their house, their sisters pregnant (woo cisc0ninja), etc.
Rules For Dummies (by 00110001):
1. Do not copy any of these programs and give to anyone else. They are for YOUR sole use only.
2. Do not upload to any p2p, file sharing sites, share with friends, family, enemies.
3. Do not upload to any virus testing websites. We do not inject viruses with our programs, you have nothing to worry about. If you are worried, then why are you still downloading this program?
4. Do not share your SX log in with anyone else.
Consequences For Dummies (by 00110001):
1. There are no second chances. If you break these rules, you will be banned for life.
2. Your personal information will be exposed to the SX community, for them to do what they see fit.
3. Any other consequence that SX and the community see fit.
Our pre-release of is currently available to all VIP members. Please do NOT distribute.
Our pre-release of is currently available to testers. If you are VIP All Stars or have donated an additional $25 to be a tester - please contact [email protected] for access to the files.
Our pre-release of 5.10.4 is currently available to testers. If you are VIP All Stars or have donated an additional $20 to be a tester - please contact [email protected] for access to the files.
Our pre-release of 5.10.3 is currently available to testers. If you are VIP All Stars or have donated an additional $15 to be a tester - please contact [email protected] for access to the files.
Our pre-release of 5.10.0 is currently available to all VIP members. Please do NOT distribute.
Rules have been updated, feel free to bitch about whatever you want on the forums. VIP All Stars list has been updated. hei.soldierx.com (VIP Server) is back online (and stable)! Please do NOT post links to untouched MRI ISO images on our forums for your own safety. There IS a Best Buy Precinct/Store watermark in the versions of MRI 5.7.2 and newer. This watermark has been removed in the SX release.
Areas of Interest:
VIP Forums
VIP All Stars
VIP Downloads
SX Labs (VIP have access to some projects early)
VIP Server Access
Donate to SX (Do not check the goods and services checkbox)
Donation Instructions that don't take out fees:
If you would like to donate just send money via paypal to [email protected] with your handle (username) on the site attached as a note. Blake handles our shirt sales and VIP since he's the only member of SX that uses his real name. Please make sure and send it as a gift since you are donating to the site. Sending it as a gift will prevent paypal from taking any fees out of it. If you are confused about what it means to send as a gift, please see http://entropy.soldierx.com/~rat/private/donate.jpg. In some cases, you have to send it as "friends and family".