PSIKOTIK TSO User Enumerator. A fast TSO user enumerator written in straight python without the need for s3270 or x3270.
It should mostly work on any mainframe. If it doesn't get to the TSO logon screen then you need to sniff a real connection to the mainframe and find out what the hex stream looks like when you type 'TSO1' (for example) and change tso_command to reflect that value.
SensePost's network footprinting and enumeration tool. You can't pwn what you don't know about.
It is a cross-platform, Java application. It’s predecessor, BidiBlah, was only available on Windows platforms and hopefully with Yeti we can now offer Internet intelligence gathering to everyone.
Originally conceived as a method to enumerate various pastebins (slexy,pastie,pastebin,gisthub) as a response to corelans
pastenum – http://www.corelan.be/index.php/2011/03/22/pastenum-pastebinpastie-enume..., its changed slightly to a more general enumerator.
Pastenum is a ruby application that runs client side to enumerate various bins, this just took it a bit further by putting it in a web application
as mine kept crashing trying to load the previous results.
Pastenum is a text dump enumeration tool. It currently searches pastebin.com and pastie.org.
WarVOX is a free, open-source VOIP-based war dialing tool for exploring, classifying, and auditing phone systems. WarVOX processes audio from each call by using signal processing techniques and without the need of modems.[1] WarVOX uses VoIP providers over the Internet instead of modems used by other war dialers.[2] It compares the pauses between words to identify numbers using particular voicemail systems
EyeWitness is designed to take a file, parse out the URLs, take a screenshot of the web pages, and generate a report of the screenshot along with some server header information. EyeWitness is able to parse three different types of files, a general text file with each url on a new line, the xml output from a NMap scan, or a .nessus file.
This tool allows the tester to feed in urls or ip addresses and it will go out and grab screenshots of the websites.
ZMap is a fast network scanner designed for Internet-wide network surveys. On a typical desktop computer with a gigabit Ethernet connection, ZMap is capable scanning the entire public IPv4 address space in under 45 minutes. With a 10gigE connection and PF_RING, ZMap can scan the IPv4 address space in under 5 minutes.
While previous network tools have been designed to scan small network segments, ZMap is specifically architected to scan the entire address space. It is built in a modular manner in order to allow incorporation with other network survey tools. ZMap operates on GNU/Linux and supports TCP SYN and ICMP echo request scanning out of the box.
This is the fastest Internet port scanner. It can scan the entire Internet in under 6 minutes, transmitting 10 million packets per second.
It produces results similar to nmap, the most famous port scanner. Internally, it operates more like scanrand, unicornscan, and ZMap, using asynchronous transmission. The major difference is that it's faster than these other scanners. In addition, it's more flexible, allowing arbitrary address ranges and port ranges.
A toolkit for rogue access point (evilAP) attacks first presented at Defcon 22.
More specifically, it contains the improvements to KARMA attacks we implemented into hostapd, as well as some useful configs for conducting MitM once you've managed to get a victim to connect.