Wi-fEye is an automated wirelress penetration testing tool written in python , its designed to simplify common attacks that can be performed on wifi networks so that they can be executed quickly and easily.
Wifi has three main menus :
Cracking menu: contains attacks that could allow us to crack wifi passwords weather is WEP , WPA or WPA2:
Enable monitor mode
View avalale Wireless Networks
Launch Airodump-ng on a specific AP
WEP cracking: here you can perform a number of attacks to crack WEP passwords :
Interactive packet replay.
Fake Authentication Attack.
Korek Chopchop Attack.
Fragmentation Attack.
Hirte Attack (cfrag attack).
WPA Cracking: here you can perform a number of attacks to crack WPA passwords , this menu is devided into two sections:
launch a brute force attack against a WPS-enabled network to crack WPA/WPA2 without a dictionary.
Obtain handshake: This will automatically attempt to obtain the handshake
Cracking: After obtaining the handshake or if you have the handshake ready then you can attempt to crack it in this section , you can choose to use you wordlist straight away with aircrack-ng or you can add to a table and then crack the password.
MITM: this menu will allow you to do the following Automatically:
Enable IP forwarding.
ARP Spoof.
Launch ettercap (Text mode).
Sniff SSL/HTTPS traffic.
Sniff URLs and send them to browser.
Sniff images.
DNS Spoof.
HTTP Session Hijacking (using Hamster).
Others: this menu will allow you to o the following automatically:
Change MAC Address.
Create a fake access point.
Hijack software updates (using Evilgrade).
Ip phone Scanning Made Easy (ISME) scans a VOIP environment, adapts to enterprise VOIP, and exploits the possibilities of being connected directly to an IP Phone VLAN. It seeks to get the phone's configuration file directly from a TFTP server, enable SIP/SIPS (TCP/UDP), communicate with an embedded Web server and Web server banner, identify the editor by MAC address, and identify potential default login/password combinations which should be changed.
The following libraries are needed:
· LWP::UserAgent; # http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/libwww-perl-
· HTML::Parser; # http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTML-Parser/Parser.pm
· Net::Ping; # http://search.cpan.org/~smpeters/Net-Ping-2.36/lib/Net/Ping.pm
· Net::Netmask; # http://search.cpan.org/dist/Net-Netmask/
· Net::Subnets;
· Net::TFTP; # http://search.cpan.org/~gbarr/Net-TFTP-0.16/TFTP.pm
· Net::DHCP::Packet; # http://search.cpan.org/~djzort/Net-DHCP-
· Net::DHCP::Constants; # http://search.cpan.org/~djzort/Net-DHCP-
· Net::Libdnet::Arp;
· Crypt::SSLeay; #http://search.cpan.org/~nanis/Crypt-SSLeay/SSLeay.pm
· LWP::Protocol::https ; #http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/LWP-Protocol-https-
· Mozilla ::CA;#s http://search.cpan.org/~abh/Mozilla-CA-
· HTTP::Request::Common; # http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/HTTP-Message-
· Net::Subnets
· Tk; #http://search.cpan.org/~ni-s/Tk-804.027/pod/UserGuide.pod
· Net::RawIP; #http://search.cpan.org/~saper/Net-RawIP-0.25/lib/Net/RawIP.pm
· Net::SSH
· SIP/Digest
Take care, even if libraries are not explicitly declared in the script, there are needed
Java must be installed on the computer if you intend to use Fuzzing SIP – Protos.
JBrute is an open source tool written in Java to audit security and stronghold of stored password for several open source and commercial apps. It is focused to provide multi-platform support and flexible parameters to cover most of the possible password-auditing scenarios.
Java Runtime version 1.7 or higher is required for running JBrute.
Muli-platform support (by Java VM)
Several hashing algorithms supported
Flexible chained hashes decryption (like MD5(SHA1(MD5())))
Both brute force and dictionary decryption methods supported
Build-In rule pre-processor for dictionary decryption
Multi-threading support for both brute force decryption and dictionary decryption
Supported algorithms:
Author: Gonzalo L. Camino
Icon Art: Ivan Zubillaga
Made in: Argentina
Lynis is an auditing tool for Unix/Linux. It performs a security scan and determines the hardening state of the machine. Any detected security issues will be provided in the form of a suggestion or warning. Beside security related information it will also scan for general system information, installed packages and possible configuration errors.
This software aims in assisting automated auditing, hardening, software patch management, vulnerability and malware scanning of Unix/Linux based systems. It can be run without prior installation, so inclusion on read only storage is possible (USB stick, cd/dvd).
Lynis assists auditors in performing Basel II, GLBA, HIPAA, PCI DSS and SOx (Sarbanes-Oxley) compliance audits.
Using Lynis : Basics
To run Lynis you should meet a few requirements:
- You have to be root (log in as normal user, su to root)
or have equivalent rights (for example by using sudo).
- Have write access to /var/log (for using a log/debug and report file)
- Have write access to /tmp (temporary files)
Depending on the installation or the path you run Lynis from, you can start it with 'lynis' (if installed and the file is available in
your binary path) or 'sh lynis' or './lynis'.
Without parameters, Lynis will give you a valid list of parameters and return back to the shell prompt. At least the '-c' (--check-all) parameter is needed, to start the scan process.
- For the update check, outgoing DNS requests should be allowed. Lynis will try to query a TXT record (for example lynis-lv.rootkit.nl).
- Lynis needs write access to /var/log/lynis.log (unless logging is disabled, which disables debugging information as well).
--auditor "Given name Surname"
Assign an auditor name to the audit (report)
Start the check
Check if Lynis is up-to-date
Run Lynis as cronjob (includes -c -Q)
Shows valid parameters
View man page
ExploitPack, an open source GPLv3 licensed bundle of scripts with an easy to use GUI and a SID IDE; it’s built on JAVA and Python.
ExploitPack uses SWT and it is integrated as part of the Eclipse plug-in API, for standalone application development it is best to develop against the SWT standalone download.
Against is a very fast ssh attack script which includes a multithreaded port scanning module (tcp connect) for discovering possible targets and a multithreaded brute-forcing module which attacks in parallel (multiprocessing) all discovered hosts or given ip addresses from a list.
Authored by pigtail23 | Site nullsecurity.net
Updated: Feb 28, 2014
Changes: Honeypot detection, optimizations, detection for key authentication, and much more.
# FantaGhost URL Scanner 1.0
Advanced web directory scanner with proxy and TOR support
#### About
This is an opensource advanced web directory scanner to find hidden contents on a web server using dictionary-like attack. FantaGhost URL scanner support proxy and TOR.
All options explained here are also available from `fgdev.pl --help`)
Usage: ./fgscan.pl --host=hostname [--proxy=filepath] [--sec=n] [--dump] [--dirlist=filepath] [--wordlist=filepath] [--tor] [--tordns] [--debug] [--help]
--debug : Print debug information
--dirs : Specify the directory list file
--pages : Specify the wordlist file
--host : Specify hostname to scan (without http:// or https://)
--proxy : Specify a proxy list
--sec : Seconds between requests. Value 999 will randomize delay between requests from 1 to 30 seconds
--dump : Save found pages on disk
--tor : Use TOR as proxy for each request
--tordns : Use TOR to resolve hostname. Without this options DNS queries will be directed to default DNS server outside TOR network.
--help : What you're reading now
Scout is a security tool that lets Amazon Web Servers (AWS) administrators asses their environments security posture. Using the AWS API, Scout gathers configuration data for manual inspection or highlights high-risk areas automatically. Rather than pouring through dozens of pages on the web, Scout supplies a clear view of the attack surface automatically.
Scout is packaged as an executable jar. To run it, type
$ java -jar scout-0.9.5-standalone.jar
This will print a short message describing the commands Scout supports.
java -jar scout-0.9.5-standalone.jar ACTION [OPTIONS]
The action argument will be explained in detail for each action below. The -c arguments specifies the credentials the tool will use to make requests to the AWS API.
Output a list of every instance in your EC2 account, grouped by security group, along with selected attributes of the instance.
Output a list of every security group, broken down permission by permission.
Output a list of notable or dangerous security group permissions. Permissions are rated as critical, warning, or info depending on the service exposed and how much of the internet the service is exposed to (a /8 is more "critical" than a /24). For more information regarding this rating algorithm, consult the wiki.
Output the difference between what is configured in EC2 and the supplied ruleset file. Permissions marked "+" are configured in EC2 but missing from the ruleset, while permissions marked "-" are missing from EC2 but defined in the ruleset.
compare-groups requires that you specify a ruleset file for it to compare against. Here's an example ruleset:
(group :websrv
(permission :tcp [80] "")
(permission :tcp [443] "")
(permission :tcp [22] ""))
(group :appsrv
(permission :tcp [8080 8083] :websrv)
shellnoob is a toolkit to help you write shellcode.
convert shellcode between different formats and sources. Formats currently supported: asm, bin, hex, obj, exe, C, python, ruby, pretty, safeasm, completec, shellstorm. (All details in the "Formats description" section.)
interactive asm-to-opcode conversion (and viceversa) mode. This is useful when you cannot use specific bytes in the shellcode and you want to figure out if a specific assembly instruction will cause problems.
support for both ATT & Intel syntax. Check the --intel switch.
support for 32 and 64 bits (when playing on x86_64 machine). Check the --64 switch.
resolve syscall numbers, constants, and error numbers (now implemented for real! ).
portable and easily deployable (it only relies on gcc/as/objdump and python). And it just one self-contained python script!
in-place development: you run ShellNoob directly on the target architecture!
built-in support for Linux/x86, Linux/x86_64, Linux/ARM, FreeBSD/x86, FreeBSD/x86_64.
"*prepend breakpoint*" option. Check the -c switch.
read from stdin / write to stdout support (use "-" as filename)
uber cheap debugging: check the --to-strace and --to-gdb option!
Use ShellNoob as a Python module in your scripts! Check the "ShellNoob as a library" section.
Verbose mode shows the low-level steps of the conversion: useful to debug / understand / learn!
Extra plugins: binary patching made easy with the --file-patch, --vm-patch, --fork-nopper options! (all details below)