
Microsoft Windows


Peach is a SmartFuzzer that is capable of performing both generation and mutation based fuzzing


JAD is a java decompiler that was developed many years ago, the creators site is no longer accessible but I found a mirror Wink.


Flasm is a dissasembler for action script applications.

Cisco Auditing Tool

Cisco Auditing Tool - Perl script which scans cisco routers for common vulnerabilities. Checks for default passwords, easily guessable community names, and the IOS history bug. Includes support for plugins and scanning multiple hosts.

Cisco Global Exploiter

Cisco Global Exploiter (CGE), is an advanced, simple and fast security testing tool/ exploit engine, that is able to exploit 14 vulnerabilities in disparate Cisco switches and routers. CGE is command-line driven perl script which has a simple and easy to use front-end.

Dradis Framework

Dradis is an open source framework to enable effective information sharing, specially during security assessments. It is also is a self-contained web application that provides a centralised repository of information to keep track of what has been done so far, and what is still ahead.


Armitage is an easy to use front end extension for the metasploit framework.


The Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) is a powerful professional security tool. BeEF is pioneering techniques that provide the experienced penetration tester with practical client side attack vectors. Unlike other security frameworks, BeEF focuses on leveraging browser vulnerabilities to assess the security posture of a target. This project is developed solely for lawful research and penetration testing.
BeEF hooks one or more web browsers as beachheads for the launching of directed command modules. Each browser is likely to be within a different security context, and each context may provide a set of unique attack vectors.


sbd is a Netcat-clone, designed to be portable and offer strong encryption. It runs on Unix-like operating systems and on Microsoft Win32. sbd features AES-128-CBC + HMAC-SHA1 encryption (by Christophe Devine), program execution (-e option), choosing source port, continuous reconnection with delay, and some other nice features.

Pass the Hash Toolkit

The Pass-The-Hash Toolkit contains utilities to manipulate the Windows Logon Sessions mantained by the LSA (Local Security Authority) component. These tools allow you to list the current logon sessions with its corresponding NTLM credentials (e.g.: users remotely logged in thru Remote Desktop/Terminal Services), and also change in runtime the current username, domain name, and NTLM hashes (YES, PASS-THE-HASH on Windows!).

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