Xon was the guy who took over the leadership of the Electronik Tribulation Army after the arrest of GhostExodus and made claims that they have gone whitehat but still continued harassing a security expert named Robert Wesley McGrew. His house was raided by the FBI in 2010 after a complaint against their anarchist hacking group ETA.
Jesse William McGraw is a former contract security guard at the North Central Medical Plaza on North Central Expressway in Dallas, who admitted hacking into that hospital’s computer systems by putting malware on a dozen machines. He also installed the remote-access program LogMeIn on the hospital’s Windows-controlled HVAC system. McGraw admitted that he intended to use the bots and the compromised computers to launch DDoS attacks on the websites of rival hacker groups. He was sent to jail after a security expert named Wesley McGrew tipped off the FBI in 2009.
He became a two-time fugitive and attempted to flee the country. He broke into a US Customs-controlled shipyard and blackmailed the captain of a cargo ship into taking him to Nigeria after discovering that they were disabling their AIS tracking beacon while in international waters.
Benjamin Nichols is one of the members of an anarchistic hacking group called the Electronik Tribulation Army that harassed a security expert Robert Wesley McGrew of McGrew Security who helped put the group’s leader in jail, according to an unsealed search warrant affidavit.
Nichols Harvested email addresses from Mississippi State University where Wesley Mcgrew was attending. Nichols spammed invitations to the website wesleymcgrew.com to entire campus ( a website Nichols registered as a platform to harass Wesley Mcgrew) from [email protected] with the Subject line "Hey everyone check out my new website!"
The website featured photo-shopped images of Wesley Mcgrew's face on gay bondage photos and an order form where users could mail dildos to Mcgrews home address titled "Show your support for the whitehat community, Mail Wesley Mcgrew a dildo!" Nichols himself has also sent sex toys to Wesley Mcgrews residence. His home was raided by the FBI last June 23, 2010. He has a dox in pastebin.
On April 5th 2016, Nichols pleaded guilty to “knowingly and purposefully launching a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack” on or before May 2010 against mcgrewsecurity.com. News articles have stated that the attack caused a $6,500 loss and that Nichols faces up to 10 years in federal prison along with a $250,000 fine.